Corporate responsibility is part of our overall culture at Teledyne. It helps guide the decisions we make as an organization.

Teledyne’s Core Values are as follows:


We will conduct our business in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations and with the highest standards of ethics and honesty. We expect the same from our business partners and from those who represent the Teledyne brand. Each employee and each party who acts on Teledyne’s behalf must comply with all laws and regulations that apply in the location in which they are conducting Teledyne business.


We will treat our colleagues with respect and dignity, and we will maintain a safe, fair and inclusive work environment. Teledyne takes pride in its diverse workforce and recognizes that its continuing success depends on the contributions of all its employees. We expect our employees to treat each other with dignity, respect and fairness. Our goal is to maintain a safe and hospitable work environment in which every employee is encouraged to contribute to the success of the Company. We have a strict policy prohibiting retaliation against any employee who makes a good faith report of an ethics matter.


We will strive to grow and to protect Teledyne’s value by acting in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders, without compromising our core values. Our stockholders own the Company. In everything we do, it is critical that we maintain their confidence and trust and advance their interests. We are committed to two overarching objectives: growing the value of the Company and protecting that value. Those goals should be pursued by always acting in the best interests of the Company and by following the principles set forth in our Global Code of Ethical Conduct. That includes operating our businesses in a responsible and lawful manner.


We will conduct our business in a manner consistent with the well-being of the communities in which we work and of those who buy and use our products. We strive to make positive contributions to those communities and to sell high-quality products to our customers. We are also committed to compliance with environmental, health and safety laws and require the same commitment to be made of our suppliers. Teledyne recognizes the important of the environment and nature resources and encourages our employees to embrace our responsibility to society when using and planning the use of natural resources.

Click here to view our Global Code of Ethical Business Conduct.

Click here to view our Code of Conduct for Service Providers.

Click here for Combating Trafficking in Persons Compliance Plan.

Any employee or third party doing business for or with Teledyne may report any ethical concern or suspected misconduct online at or call the Ethics Hotline at (877) 666-6968.

Environment and Sustainability

We are proud of Teledyne’s broad contribution to understanding the environment and humankind’s impact to the health and sustainability of our planet. We provide environmental and climate scientists one of the broadest portfolios of instruments and sensors in the world, including space-based sensors for greenhouse gases, air and water monitoring instruments and autonomous systems and instruments that profile the world’s oceans. Our precision visible and infrared sensors enable NASA’s Orbital Carbon Observatories (in low Earth orbit) and GeoCarb (in geosynchronous orbit) satellite missions to make precise measurements of the sources and sinks of atmospheric carbon dioxide over seasonal and weekly cycles. Our autonomous Slocum® gliders, APEX® drifting floats and our acoustic Doppler current profilers have been used by scientists to confirm warming trends and circulation conditions of the oceans. Our instruments not only enhance climate research that spans decades, but they provided critical data for shorter timescales. Our products measure seasonal variations in ocean temperatures and currents to aid fisheries and determine weather patterns. On a shorter timescale, scientists employ our instruments to provide essential inputs for computer models of dangerous storms. Scientists position our gliders directly in the path of developing storms to monitor real-time conditions via satellite links.

Additionally, Teledyne’s product portfolio includes sophisticated air and water quality monitoring instruments to help keep the air we breathe and the water we drink clean. We design, produce and distribute sophisticated air quality instruments that measure hazardous gases and particulate matter in real-time. Our new Teledyne API T640 instrument delivers exceptional sensitivity and precision in ambient particulate monitoring. Our water sampler instruments enable environmental professionals to conveniently collect and safely store water for laboratory analysis and to precisely determine the flow rate of water in wastewater, irrigation and industrial applications.

We also have products designed to improve the efficiency of motors, motor drives and industrial automation systems to reduce energy consumption. Our line of motor drive analyzers measure performance dynamically. The high-resolution display and sensitive software tools enable engineers to look inside the motor and motor drive to optimize performance and energy efficiency.

Pursuant to the mandate in their respective charters, the audit committee of our board regularly reviews matters related to compliance with environmental laws and the health and safety of employees, and the nominating and governance committee of our board reviews and evaluates our policies and practices and monitors our efforts in areas of legal and social responsibility, diversity and sustainability.

Teledyne Environmental Policy Statement​

It is the policy of Teledyne to maintain and operate our businesses in full compliance with applicable environmental laws, regulations, permits and our Corporate Environmental Management System. It is also our policy to promptly evaluate and resolve any suspected instances of non-compliance. We recognize the importance of our environment and natural resources and encourage all our employees to embrace our responsibility to society when using and planning the use of natural resources.

We shall take an active role in discovering and implementing means to prevent harm to our environment and to our natural resources by continuous improvement in our environmental performance. Teledyne is committed to providing adequate personnel and other resources to comply with applicable environmental laws, regulations and permits and to implement, maintain and improve our Environmental Management System.

Click here to view Teledyne’s Environmental Management System Manual.

Teledyne Health and Safety Policy Statement

It is the policy of Teledyne to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all employees and to continue to maintain and operate our businesses in full compliance with applicable Health and Safety laws, regulations, permits and our corporate Health and Safety Management System. It is also our policy to promptly evaluate and resolve any suspected instances of unsafe or unhealthy working conditions or non-compliance with applicable requirements.

Each employee has responsibility for maintaining a safe and healthy workplace. The performance of all work assignments without incident is of utmost importance. Employees must immediately report any suspect unsafe or unhealthy condition, accident or near miss situation to their immediate supervisor or the site Health and Safety Manager.

We shall take an active role in discovering and implementing new means to prevent harm to our employees by continuous improvement in our health and safety performance. Teledyne is committed to providing adequate personnel and other resources to maintain a safe and healthy workplace; comply with applicable health and safety laws, regulations and permits; and implement, maintain and improve our Health and Safety Management System.

Click here to view Teledyne’s Health and Safety Management System Manual.

Anti-Corruption Program

Teledyne Technologies maintains an anti-corruption program with core elements of an effective compliance program, including: tone at the top, risk assessment, written policies and procedures, effective training and education, effective lines of communication, internal monitoring and auditing, and enforcement. The program and its requirements apply to Teledyne employees and to third parties who act on Teledyne’s behalf.

Click here for Teledyne’s anti-bribery statement from executive management.​
Click ​here for Teledyne’s anti-bribery guidance for Teledyne Third Parties.​​​


Teledyne has a Chief Information Security Officer and Cybersecurity team that oversee matters related to cybersecurity. Teledyne’s Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer and the Board of Directors are also briefed regularly on this topic. Teledyne and some of its individual business units are externally audited and certified by various top information security standards, including but not limited to an audit by the U.S. Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA), Cyber Essentials Plus (a UK Government-backed, industry-supported certification scheme), the French IGI 901 standard and BitSight security rating. Teledyne has a robust cybersecurity program that includes the provision of annual training for employees to familiarize them with avoidance of cybersecurity risks and related topics. Similar training information is also provided to any third parties with access to the Teledyne network. For information on specific cybersecurity risks affecting Teledyne, please see Teledyne’s Form 10-K Annual Report filing.​​​​